ABOUT Microlearning

Rapid learning for

Learn aerospace with ADN - Aerospace Digital Nuggets


MICROLEARNING•Groupe ISAE is an innovative platform aiming at developing a learning support for higher education about aerospace, within the groupe ISAE.

It provides to Groupe ISAE students and employees, a direct access to ADNs - Aerospace Digital Nuggets - as online micro-contents made by the constituting engineering schools.


Microlearning Features

These are the main features of the MICROLEARNING Groupe ISAE Platform.
Rapid learning

Direct access to ADN, that stands for  "Aerospace Digital Nuggets", focused, short and effective micro-contents designed by our best specialists.

Powerful Search engine

A high performance search engine allow to quickly find the best ADN micro-content to reply to your  needs.

Mobile friendly

Access to the platform and its ADN micro-contents from any device : computer, laptop, tablet or mobile.

ADN selections

MICROLEARNING proposes various static and dynamic selections of ADN micro-contents to suggest the best knowledge to learn.

Learner engagements

Formative interactions are integrated into the nuggets to increase motivation

Reinforce knowledge

Review concept regularly the concepts to reinforces the knowledge

Measure proficiency (soon)

Have access to dashboards based on the results obtained within the ADNs.

AI suggestions (soon)

Different content suggestions from the learning traces left by learners using the ADNs.

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Microlearning use cases

Microlearning can be used in different ways.
Personal Learning
Adaptive learning

Informal and not structured learning used by students to fill curiosity or to supplement the official courses.

Review notions

Ensure a comprehensive form of instruction with, for example, spaced presentation of concepts or regular review of concepts.

Blended learning

In the context of blended learning or flipped classroom, MICROLEARNING may be used to prepare or  the learning event 

Project based learning

Autoformation during Problem or Project based Learning to study the necessary knowledge in autonomy.

A question? A suggestion? A Feedback?

Frequently Asked Questions

To sign up with MICROLEARNING, you should have an email in one of the Groupe ISAE members. We restrict the sign up to the various domain of our partners : groupe-isae.fr, isae-supaero.fr, isae.fr, estaca.fr, isae-supmeca.fr, isae-ensma.fr, ensma.fr, ecole-air.fr, estia.fr, eigsi.fr,  

The MICROLEARNING Groupe ISAE platform is hosted in the ISAE-SUPAERO datacenter in Toulouse, France. It integrates the ADN microcontents, hosted in the NaaS scalable and secured infrastructure in the datacenter of University of Toulouse.

ADN's Author decides which educational structures can access its nuggets with a specific license, according to its own institution pre-choices. The ADN can be e.g. only visible by the students of an institution, can be made available to the all student from Groupe ISAE partners, or even be public (without authentication) as open education resource.

NaaS automatically implements the access (or not) of a platform to a nugget, and integrates a dynamically composed trailer with the ownership data and the license to apply.

When an author publishes a nugget created with its institution (e.g., ISAE-SUPAERO), he determines the possible scope of distribution and a license (e.g., ISAE-SUPAERO and Groupe ISAE). Depending on the author wishes, educational platforms of the targeted distribution group (e.g., Moodle LMS and micro-content platforms of ISAE-SUPAERO and Groupe ISAE) can integrates this ADN that is presented to its students.

MICROLEARNING is free for Groupe ISAE Partners.

The microcontents you have access to may be used online for your personal benefit. A license at the end of the ADN is indicated and must be respected.

Explore the NaaS Ecosystem

Nuggets as a Service

NaaS is a complete ecosystem aimed at optimizing the reuse of digital learning contents in the context of higher education. Backed to a digital production engineering, it makes possible to produce micro-contents, to store, share, integrate, present them and monitor the pedagogical uses.

Want to author an ADN?

How to implement ADN micro-content ?


About us

The ADN micro-contents are produced by teachers and experts from 6 leadings aerospace engineering schools constituting the Groupe ISAE.

With six schools, some sixty training programs and approximately 2,000 graduates a year, the ISAE Group provides industries and institutions in the aerospace sector with a wide range of profiles among its graduates with a high scientific and technical level unique in Europe.

The ADN concept, the MICROLEARNING platform and the underlying NaaS (Nuggets as a Service) ecosystem are developed by the IDEA team (Innovative Digital Education for Aerospace) of ISAE-SUPAERO.

Our sponsors

Fondation UNIT
La fondation UNIT a participé au prototype initial de l'écosystème NaaS 

Le GIFAS accompagne le groupe ISAE dans sa transformation numérique
Mobirise Website Builder
L'Université Européenne UNIVERSEH participe au financement du NaaS
Mobirise Website Builder
L'Université Numérique participe à la création de micro-contenus au format H5P
  • IDEA Team 
  • 10, avenue Edouard Belin, BP 54032 - 31055 Toulouse CEDEX 4, TOULOUSE, FRANCE

  • +33 5 61 33 80 00

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